All you need to do is taste your first Island Blends smoothie. You won't believe how great they taste. Not only do they taste great, but they are good for you. Island Gym offers a wide verity of Island Blends flavors. Just to name a few ingredients, City Blends is made with Stivia, "real" puréed fruits, Nestlé whey proteins, and Ghirardelli chocolates.
Choose from options including: 1) extremely lean, 2) muscle builder, to 3) serious weight gainer. Flavors include multiple combinations of chocolate, banana, orange, raspberry, pineapple, peach mango, strawberry, and blueberry. Yes, we only use real fruit concentrated with not artificial flavors or preservatives. Protein choices range from high quality/pharmaceutical versions of: 1) burner, with zero carbs and L-carnitine, 2) builder, with low carbs, to 3) gainer, with high carbs and high calorie.
Island Gym Fitness & Training
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